There are numerous items in the market which offer Rapid Hair Growth and Silky Hair yet the symptoms of these items will harm your hair for all time. Be that as it may, hundreds of years old tip of utilizing onion juice for hair growth has been demonstrated tip and had gotten extraordinary audits online for positive outcomes. Related to onion juice olive oil gives you shinny hair in the blink of an eye.

Ingredient For Rapid Hair Growth and Silky Hair

  • 3 TB Spoon of Onion Juice
  • 1 ½ TB Spoon of Olive Oil


  • Altogether Mix both, olive oil and onion juice till you get fine blend
  • Cautiously Apply above blend on your scalp and delicately knead your scalp in round movements.
  • After apply the above blend leave it for at any rate 1 hour anyway for best outcome we suggest 2 hours
  • Wash your hair with an infant cleanser or some other natural cleanser.

How continuous to apply this hair mask for hair growth

Two times per week, for best outcome apply it on interchange days

Why This Works

Olive oil is a generally excellent fixing which has the common capacity to make your hair dandruff. It helps condition your hair and scalp, leaving them with a luxurious sparkle while the onion juice supports hair growth.


Yse this hair mask and you will notice the change within a week. also, share this recipe among your friends and let them avail the advantage also.