This article will instruct how to get beautiful feet at home, Because a great deal of times, our impact points can stop the progression of oxygen since we may have worn thick shoes. Also, our skin gets split and looks revolting. We are referencing here a portion of the straightforward yet prominent cures which will help you in getting beautiful feet at home with hand crafted fixings.


Stage 1:

  • Above all else, take a tub and fill it loaded with water.
  • Next, include one tablespoon of salt into the water also and give it a blend.
  • Include the juice of one lemon into the salt water also and blend it well once more.
  • Presently, splash your feet into the water for around 15-20 minutes.

Stage 2:

  • Above all else, bubble 2 cups of water in a major dish and warmth it on a stove.
  • Next, take a little steel bowl and include olive oil of around 6-7 tablespoon and spot it in the steaming bubbling water.
  • Take an old light and evacuate its string, at that point add it in a bowl to allow it to dissolve. The wax can without much of a stretch be taken from the extra candles at home.
  • After the wax liquefies, expel the bowl from the warmth and enable it to chill.
  • Presently, include the oil from 2 containers of nutrient E oil and blend the oil with the dissolved wax.
  • In conclusion, give a decent blend to all the fixings and apply on the feet like a cream.
  • Remember to rehash this technique multiple times each week and see the outcomes.


Convincingly, here are every one of the strategies that are referenced so we can tail them to get beautiful feet at home with common cures and natively constructed fixings.