3. Face Scrub

Utilize raw milk and cereal face clean to delicately scour off contaminations like overabundance dead cells, sebum, soil, and contamination from profound inside your skin pores.

Consolidate 1 tablespoon of ground cereal and 1 tablespoon of raw milk well.

Apply to your perfect face utilizing your fingertips and clean delicately in a round movement.

Give the blend a chance to sit for 15 minutes.

Flush off with cool water and pat dry.

4. Saturating Face Mask

The lactic acid in milk will help decrease pigmentation, mend dry skin, hydrate skin, recuperate skin break out and calm sunburn.

You can utilize a fundamental face cover by spotting raw milk onto your face utilizing a perfect cotton ball.

Enable it to sit for 15 minutes.

Flush off with cool water.

Pat your face dry with a feathery towel.

Your skin will feel delicate and hydrated.

5. Relaxing Foot Soak

This natively constructed foot douse won’t just mollify split impact points yet additionally loosen up your feet and mitigate any strain and torment.

Absorb your feet a warm milk shower containing 2 cups milk and 4 cups water.

Rub your split heels with a pumice stone and dry them with a towel.

The final product will be your feet and toes feeling too delicate and saturated!

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