A green tea hair mask is ideal for hindering the impacts of hair thinning and advancing hair growth. It has two fixings which influence hair growth: right off the bat, it contains epigallocatechin-3-gallate, which advances the growth of hair follicles and invigorates hair growth, and a chemical inhibitor which stops the scalp changing over testosterone into DHT, which can prompt hair loss.

The mustard powder in this mask causes increment blood course to your scalp (you may feel a slight warmth or shiver – that implies its working!) which likewise advances hair growth.

This treatment ought to be utilized as often as possible relying upon the level of diminishing, at least once per week to a limit of three times each week.


  • Green Tea
  • Water
  • 1 Tablespoon of mustard powder
  • 1 Egg


  • To start with, make yourself a solid cup of steaming green tea. You won’t utilize every last bit of it, so you can appreciate a decent cup subsequently!
  • Blend an egg with a tablespoon of mustard powder, include two tablespoons of green tea and afterward blend until smooth and velvety.
  • Apply the mask to your hair and spot under a shower top. Leave on for around 20 minutes before washing completely.

Lemon and Baking Soda Hair Mask for Oily Hair

Here are two miracle elements for oily hair: lemon squeeze and baking soda. Lemon juice is extraordinary for stripping endlessly the majority of that abundance oil that leaves hair looking limp and inert. Like the apple juice vinegar treatment, the sharpness of lemon juice will likewise advance gleaming and smooth looking hair by adjusting your hair’s pH. Baking soda in the meantime ingests oil like a wipe and is incredible for expelling all the compound contaminations business hair item leave in your hair. It is extremely soluble, be that as it may, which is the reason we need the lemon juice to adjust it..

This one is pleasant and basic. Simply blend five tablespoons of yogurt (plain) with a teaspoon of heating soft drink and two tablespoons of lemon squeeze and apply uniformly to your hair. Leave it one for around 30 minutes, at that point flush completely.