Daily Face Cleansing Routine:

Keeping our face clean and cleansed is seriously so important nowadays. With everything so advancing and the increasing rate of population around us, our skins are getting damaged. Of course you can’t stop the pollution from coming, but you can surely change your face cleansing and caring routine, so that your skin remains fresh and lively, all along. Which is why, here we give you a face cleansing routine that will keep your skin healthy.

Face Cleansing products:

There are some natural products you can use to cleanse your face without the use of soap. These products are very beneficial for our skin in not just cleansing it but in many other ways, according to their properties.

  • Milk.
  • Oatmeal.
  • Lemon.
  • Sugar.
  • Honey.

These natural ingredients are a great skin cleansing products that only cleanse it but provide natural benefits, keeping our skin fair, fresh and happy. I suggest using natural face cleansing methods instead of some products, as they will provide longer lasting benefits to you.

Face Cleansing routine:

A great face cleansing routine not only needs less makeup or other products but also some healthy habits to be adopted on a daily basis. These habits will cleanse your skin and make you fall in love with it. For this, you really don’t need long, tiring routines of homemade masks and remedies, because even if you keep it simple and natural it will still work great. These 4 methods are a must-adopt methods for anyone who wants clean and healthy skin.


  • You need to STAY HYDRATED. This is one of the most beneficial things you can do for your health and skin and it’s pretty obvious too.
  • Make sure you keep changing your pillow cases once every week. This way the bacteria that get stored on the pillow case wouldn’t get on your skin.
  • Another important thing to keep you skin healthy is to wrap up your hair or either wash it. This will eliminate all the pollution stored in them of the entire day.
  • Make sure you wear sunscreen every day, as it is really important to keep your skin sun protected too.


Also, if you have a dry skin, then you should wash your face only once a day. As for other skin types, washing face twice a day is enough to keep it clean and hydrated.