On the off chance that you need your makeup to look excellent, and you like it to remain as such throughout the day, you have to include makeup  primer underneath your foundation and eyeshadow.

In any case, the primer isn’t shabby. You’ll pay $20, at least 40 for a decent cosmetics primer. A little container of eyeshadow primer can cost $20 or more.

DIY Makeup Primer

As of late, a great companion gave me the formula to make my own homemade cosmetics primer. I currently make it normally and use it consistently.

Make Your DIY Face Primer

Why make your own DIY primer? Face primer helps make your skin the ideal canvas for cosmetics. Different advantages include:

  • It fills in pores, lines, and wrinkles, which a few items regularly feature.
  • A decent primer gives you an even skin tone, retains any additional oil and guarantees your makeup remains looking crisp longer, which is especially valuable in the warm summer months.
  • Helps your cosmetics remain longer (particularly in sweltering climate)
  • Retain abundance oil
  • While Silicon-based polymers are utilized in many primers to help prime skin, this homemade primer uses Aloe Vera gel.
  • Despite the fact that it probably won’t work accurately the first occasion when you stir up this recipe, you can change the fixings to make it work for your skin.

Aloe Vera

Since you’ll be utilizing this primer for quite a while, you would prefer not to utilize new Aloe Vera gel, since it can turn sour. Buy pre-bundled Aloe Vera gel, which is anything but difficult to discover at medicinal stores.

The Aloe Vera gel is your primer base. Individuals with sleek skin may need to include more gel. As a rule, Aloe Vera chips away at most skin types, yet there’s a little possibility it won’t work for you. You can likewise make your own hydrating skin serum.


You need a moisturizer, and coconut oil is the best.

Obviously, in the event that your skin is additional dry, at that point you can utilize more moisturizer in the primer.

Compartment (For Storage)

Obviously, you need a holder for your primer. You can keep the primer for about fourteen days, however, you need a spotless, water/air proof holder to store it in. A spotless, dry, void cream compartment works flawlessly


  • Aloe vera gel- ¼ tbs
  • Coconut oil- ¼ tbs
  • Honey- 2-3 drops


  • Mix all the ingredients of the makeup primer and shake well.
  • Store it in a container.
  • You can use it for up to 14 days.