Olive oil isn’t just an extraordinary conditioner, yet in addition, fixes damaged hair shafts. This banana olive oil hair mask will include sparkle, volume, and sleekness to dull hair!

Is your hair damaged because of warmth styling, sun introduction, unforgiving synthetic compounds in cleanser and pools? At that point, you certainly need a profoundly saturating hair treatment to normally restore the sparkle back to your hair, fix dull strands and split finishes just as sustain your hair with new supplements. This banana olive oil hair mask is a straightforward, natively constructed cure that is loaded with supplements, as demonstrated as follows:

The most effective method to make a banana and olive oil hair mask for damaged hair

It’s straightforward truly, you just need banana and olive oil to make this astonishing hair mask for damaged locks. It’s essential to join the fixings completely for best outcomes. The banana ought to be mixed into a smooth puree without any irregularities. Utilize this hair mask once per week to reestablish damaged hair back to its previous brilliance. You can store overabundance hair mask for as long as seven days in the fridge, however on the off chance that it begins smelling out of control, discard it.

Fixings utilized in this hair mask

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil


  • Get your ripe banana and additional virgin olive oil prepared.
  • Presently into a blender, toss in your ripe banana (generally cleaved) and granulate to a smooth, irregularity free puree. This is urgent in light of the fact that you would prefer not to finish up with irregularities in your hair.
  • Open up the blender and include your olive oil into the pureed banana. Give it another spin in the blender. You will presently have an extremely foamy and velvety hair mask that scents completely divine!
  • Your banana olive oil hair mask is currently prepared for application! Get into the shower, wet your hair and utilize your fingers to apply the hair mask equitably through your hair strands and scalp too. Enable it to sit for 10 – 15 minutes. At that point wash off altogether to uncover hydrated and adapted sparkly hair!

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