Pumpkin seed oil, which as the name recommends, is extricated through squeezing the seeds of the Cucurbita pepo pumpkin. Slovenia, Romania, Croatia, and Hungary, predominantly use this oil for culinary purposes. Be that as it may, this oil can do some incredible things for your hair and scalp, being wealthy in Omega 3, six unsaturated fats, nutrients An and E, zinc, tryptophan just as a variety of cancer prevention agents.

The benefits of pumpkin seed oil for hair

  • Saturates the hair follicles
  • Nourishes the root
  • Hydrates the scalp
  • Remove the dandruff
  • Removes excess of oil

Formula and Method

  • Pumpkin Oil (utilize enough to immerse your scalp and coat your hair-thicker hair will require more oil)
  • A couple of drops of peppermint oil
  1. Combine the two fixings and utilize the oil to rub your scalp for 10 minutes. Investing energy to rub your scalp with the oil is significant as it will elevate blood dissemination to the scalp and guarantee the salve is equitably appropriated overall hair follicles.
  2. Leave the oil in for a couple of hours before washing your hair. For best outcomes, leave it medium-term and wash it out toward the beginning of the day. Utilize this salve 2–3 times each week, consistently. The outcomes will represent themselves. My recommendation is to be patient and utilize this religiously for in any event 3-6 months for greatest outcomes.
  3. Put the arrangements in an air tight, dry spot and goes on for quite a long time.