Bright and Glowing Skin with Aloe Gel and Brown Sugar Scrub

With the envinornament ebing at it’s worst and with pollution everywhere we go, our skin is ialways dirty n some way or another. Our pores get blocked from all this dirt and it leads to cne and pimples which is something none of us want. Also as summer appreaches sebum production increases and sweating increases leading to even more blockage of our pores. Is there a solution you ask? Well yes there is. It’s exfoliation. Exfoliating your skin is the most essentail step of a woman’s beauty routine. You need to remove all the dirt and oil within your pore to have bright and glowing skin. In today’s article we have the perfect facial scrub for you that will give you bright and glowing skin in no time.

The key ingredients in this scrub are ale vera gel and brown sugar. Both of these are excellent for your skin and give you bright and glowing skin. The best part about this maks is that its made from all natural and organic ingredients that contain no toxins or chemicals that can in any way harm your skin.

To make this mask you will need:

  • Aloe Vera Gel
  • Brown Sugar
  • Lemon Juice

This mask is made from the simplest yet easiest to use ingredients. These are ingredients that all of us have in our pantry and can easily use. These will work together to give your bright and glowing skin in no time. The brown sugar is a gentle exfoliant to your skin. It removes all the dirt and the dead skin cells. Also, it removes the oil and other things within your pores. While the aloe vera gel calms your irritated skin and reduces the occurrence and appearance of pimples. The lemon juice lightens your skin complexion and kills bacteria on your skin giving your bright and glowing skin.

Making and Applying the mask:

To make this mask, you need to add these three ingredients within a bowl and mix them together. Then apply this to your skin and scrub it for 5-10 minutes. Make sure to do so in a circular motion as it increases blood flow. Then wash it off with cool water and you’ll have glowing skin

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