On the off chance that your hair is dry, harmed, weak, or over-handled, why not attempt a natively constructed deep conditioning treatment? You can retouch your hair for a small amount of the expense of utilizing salon or medication store items, and you likely as of now have the fixings in your kitchen. Regardless of whether you pick an egg, mayonnaise, or oil pack, your hair and spending will both ricochet back.

Deep Conditioning Vegetable Oil and Egg Hair Treatment

How it functions: Eggs are wealthy in protein, a segment of hair, so eggs reestablish and feed your strands. Eggs are additionally eminent as a standout amongst nature’s best lotions.


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 teaspoons of vegetable oil (olive oil is great)
  • 1/8 cup of water

Note: You might need to twofold or a large portion of these sums, contingent upon the length and surface of your hair).


  • Blend fixings well in a medium-sized bowl.
  • Apply to hair in the wake of shampooing.
  • Leave the blend on for at any rate 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with cool (not warm) water.

Mayonnaise Mask for Distressed Hair

How it functions: The primary fixings in mayonnaise are eggs, vinegar, and oil. Every single one of these components is useful for hair in its own right. Eggs feed and sustain, vinegar includes sparkle, and oil saturates and secures. The blend tends to every one of the issues of troubled hair.


  • 1/2 cup of mayonnaise (roughly)


  • Apply the mayonnaise to your dry hair. In the event that your hair will, in general, be slick, maintain a strategic distance from the scalp.
  • Massage the mayonnaise into your hair altogether, and afterward spread your hair with a dispensable shower top, plastic pack, or cling wrap. For profound infiltration, spread the plastic layer with a hot towel.
  • Enable the mayonnaise to remain on for in any event 15 minutes. Rinse altogether, at that point cleanser of course.

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