These Easter lotion bars are wonderful at any time of the year! They’re easy to make, keep well, and they work extraordinary. You can even gift them in easter or Christmas.

Easter Lotion Bars in Easter Eggs


  • 2 ounces beeswax
  • 2 ounces cocoa margarine
  • 4 ounces of coconut oil

Directions / Procedure

1. In a twofold evaporator (or a glass estimating container inside a little pot of water), soften beeswax.

2. Measure in the cocoa spread and coconut oil.

3. Permit everything to dissolve totally, blending sporadically (this could take a short time). While you are sitting tight for everything to soften, set up your molds.

4. Accumulate plastic Easter eggs and spread the openings on the base of the egg with clear tape. Tape around the center of the egg, making a tight seal.

5. Utilizing a little drill or utensil, jab a little opening in the highest point of the eggs. (

6. Spot the eggs in an egg container to help keep it upstanding.

7. When the salve has softened totally, give it one last mix and enable it to cool marginally.

8. At the point when the lotion is as yet fluid, yet marginally cooled, fill the readied egg molds (or other cleanser or sweet shape), filling totally. I like to utilize a medication dropper for this so I can get the salve into the little gaps in the eggs.

9. Permit the lotion bar to cool and solidify totally while in the molds. To effortlessly expel the salve bar from the shape, place the form in the cooler for a couple of hours. The cream bars should pop ideal out once solidified.

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