Glowing and Youthful Skin with Apple Cider Vinegar

As the environmental conditions worsen, our skin and hair also worsen with them. We get dull and lifeless hair and dull and acne prone skin. Our skin loses it’s glow and begins to age prematurely. It can not only affect our body image but also our self-esteem. This can be detrimental to our health. However, I have an easy fix for you. It will help you gain glowing and youthful skin in no time. Glowing and Youthful Skin with Apple Cider Vinegar

It will rejuvenate your skin cells and wash away all the dead and flaky skin in no time. Trust me, you will want to try out this mask. The key ingredient this mask features is the apple cider vinegar. Which is known for it’s cleansing and clearing properties. The best part about this mask is that it is made from all natural and organic products meaning it will do no harm to your skin. As it contains no toxins or chemicals,

To make the mask, you’ll need:

  • Baking Soda
  • Apple Cider Vinegar

The apple cider vingar performs many fuctions for the skin. Such as preventing your skin from pimples and acne. When you use apple cider vingar onto your skin it contains anti bacterial and anti fungal properties that keep acne and pimples at bay.It helps in keeping the pores, dirt free, oil free and bacteria free. Apple cider vingar is know to heal sun burns. It soothes the pain and increasesthe healing time. The acid within the apple cider vingear helps exfoliate the dead skin and gives way to new and healthy skin. The baking soda with the apple cider vingar helps combat acne, cleanses the face and removes dirt and oil from your face. Leading to glowing and youthful skin.

Making the mask:

To make the mask, all you need to do is mix the two ingreints togetehr to make a apste like mixture. Then apply it onto your face. Make sure to do a patch test first as it will tell you wether your skin recats to the mask or not. The leave it on for 15 minutes. Wash it off with cool water. You will have glowing and youthful skin.

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