This goat milk soap formula yields a soap that is extraordinary for your skin! It works with other milk types as well so use what you have, pursue the formula, and begin!

Goat Milk Soap Recipe

You could substitute milk for water in any soap making formula, however, particular kinds of milk are higher in fat, requiring the utilization of more lye to make it work. Contingent upon what sort of milk you use, however, you may need to utilize a touch of extra lye.


  • 12 ounces of coconut oil  
  • 15 ounces olive oil
  • 13 ounces other oil -, for example, grease, economically sourced palm oil, fat, vegetable shortening, or another practically identical oil
  • 13 ounces of goat milk
  • 6 ounces lye – additionally called 100{8f3256c33350408321b86c607fc1143dc560d77fab123e6246614bb28be9fa50} sodium hydroxide
  • 1-ounce basic oils, discretionary
  • added substances, for example, oats or lavender blooms, discretionary


  • On the day preceding you make this goat milk soap formula, you have to solidify your goat milk. Getting it freezing isn’t sufficient, it should be solidified.
  • At that point, you need a huge glass or hardened steel bowl. (Abstain from utilizing plastic, as it might retain smells.) Put this in a bigger bowl or the sink and fill the outside bowl about half full with water and ice so it’s freezing. In within bowl, place your solidified pieces of milk.
  • All around gradually, include your lye and cautiously squish it into the milk. A treated steel potato masher works very well for this progression. Continue including the lye until it is altogether joined. It will most likely not get hot or even warm. Try not to stress over that, it doesn’t have to.
  • On the off chance that the ice in the outside bowl dissolves, continue supplanting it. It needs to remain freezing. The milk may turn orange or even tan to light darker. This is typical. On the off chance that it turns dim dark colored, you’ll have to begin once again.
  • The milk is scorched now. The sugars in the milk are extremely sensitive and should be shielded freezing to shield them from singing. Also, in the event that you smell an alkali like the smell, that is ordinary as well – simply continue onward. This smell will blur while it is restoring.
  • At the point when your lye/milk is prepared, keep it on ice while you prepare the oils. Measure your oils utilizing a kitchen scale. Join oils and warmth them somewhat until they are about 110° – 125°F.
  • After that when the oils are prepared, gradually pour the lye/milk blend into the oils. Blend by hand for the initial 5 minutes and afterward utilize a stick (inundation) blender to convey it to follow. In the event that you’ve never made soap, this is the place it gets very thick, much like pudding. With regards to a follow, include your basic oils and any added substances and empty it into molds.


  • Hold up 24 hours or more, expel from molds, and cut whenever wanted. Hold up 3 a month, turning it now and again so the sum total of what sides have been presented to air.
  • You can test the pH with test strips to ensure it’s restored (the ideal pH is between 8-10), or utilize the old “contact your tongue to it” technique.

In the event that you get any sort of shiver on your tongue, it’s not prepared yet and will be excessively brutal on your skin whenever utilized now. Wrap when totally restored.

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