Is your hair dry, harmed and wilting without end? Is it true that you are searching for all-characteristic simple hair medicines to liven up your dull hair? Utilizing absolutely basic fixings that you can rapidly bring from your kitchen, you can make astonishing hair masks to ricochet your dry hair back to life! We should take a gander at a simple peasy hair mask you can make at home

Nourishing Hair Mask for Dry Hair

Utilizing only two kitchen fixings, you can prepare a sustaining hair mask that will nourish your hair with nutrients and solid fat, changing it into a smooth mass of radiance. Coconut oil is notable for its superb hair saturating and molding properties. Nectar is the all antiquated remedy for some, regular afflictions including dry chipping skin and it will do some amazing things for harmed hair! Here’s a snappy take a gander at the advantages of the fixings in this hair mask:

Advantage for Hair

Coconut oil

A powerhouse of cancer prevention agents and nutrients. Contains clean unsaturated fats that gatekeeper the scalp against skin break out and contagious contaminations. Feeds hair roots. Averts dandruff and recuperates irritated scalp issues. Mitigates difficult scalp. Conditions and saturates hair. Relaxes and smoothens dry hair locks. Subdues wild fuzzy dry hair. Shields hair from split end harm.


Wealthy in incredible nutrients and minerals. Incredible cream. Normal humectant. Locks dampness into dry hair strands. Supports sun harmed dry hair. Profound conditioning of hair. Diminishes dry hair. Contains against bacterial and cancer prevention agent properties that keep your scalp solid and advance hair development. Leaves your tresses looking glossy and fun.


  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 2 teaspoons nectar


  • In a blending bowl, include the above fixings and mix well till you get a thick blend. Furthermore, voila, you’re hair mask is prepared to utilize! Truly, it is that basic!
  • When applying the hair mask, utilize clean fingers and slather the blend into your scalp first. Utilize a roundabout movement to massage the mask into your scalp delicately. Work coming downwards from your scalp to your locks.
  • After the application, you can sit with a warm towel on folded over your head to open up your hair follicles so all the integrity of the hair mask can soak in. Following 15-30 minutes, flush off your hair. You don’t have to condition your hair as coconut oil is one of the conditioners!

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