Did you realize that a butter face mask could do something amazing for your face? Furthermore, would you say you are mindful that regardless of what your skin type is, a butter face mask can give you the skin you want? In addition to the fact that butter moisturizes your skin, however it can likewise keep it sound.

Thus, regardless of whether you have dry, ordinary or oily skin, these natively constructed butter face masks will leave your skin gleaming

Butter And Mango Face Mask

This saturating mix is particularly compelling in treating dry skin. Its emollient properties help hydrate your skin and help lock dampness in for more. Mango and Butter are packed with Vitamin A, which makes this facial extraordinary for sunburned, dry or harmed and sensitive skin.


  • ½ medium mango, cleaned and cut into 3D shapes.
  • 1 tbsp butter (unsalted)/Organic butter (discretionary)
  • ½ tsp chamomile oil
  • ½ tsp apricot oil
  • 1 egg yolk

Making The Butter Mango Face Mask

  • Start by including the fixings like the butter, chamomile oil, egg yolk and apricot oil to a sustenance processor.
  • Mix the fixings until you get a smooth paste.
  • Wash and dry your face meanwhile.
  • When you have the paste prepared, continue to apply to your face.
  • Utilizing roundabout movements apply the paste uniformly all over your face and your neck, taking consideration to maintain a strategic distance from the fragile eye zone.
  • Leave the mask to stand and give it a chance to stay there for 15-20 minutes.
  • After that take a clammy warm washcloth and delicately wipe your face.
  • When you have cleaned the mask away, sprinkle some rose water all over.
  • Pat dry utilizing a towel.
  • Utilize some moisturizer and toner to keep your skin delicate.

Butter And Strawberry Face Mask

Butter and Strawberry Face Mask is additionally incredible for the skin. The immeasurably vital alpha-hydroxy acids or AHAs in strawberry have solid enemy of wrinkle and against maturing properties, which help breakdown dead skin and repress their development. This mask is additionally extraordinary for unclogging pores and lessening skin inflammation.

This face mask contains egg yolk that is particularly useful for dry and flaky skin. It saturates the skin and diminishes wrinkles. The cucumber in this face mask helps keep your skin delicate and supple. Cucumber decreases the puffiness of the face. The nearness of lemon additionally diminishes skin inflammation and clear clogged pores for slick skin. These fixings make the face mask useful for most skin types; you can blend and match the best ones for you relying upon your skin type.


  • 1 tbsp unsalted butter (unsalted)/Organic butter (discretionary)
  • 2 expansive pounded strawberry
  • 1 thick-cut cucumber (sieved): Only for ordinary to dry skin
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice: Only for oily skin
  • 1 egg yolk: Only for exceptionally dry skin

Making Butter And Strawberry Face Mask

  • Include the ideal fixings in a little bowl.
  • Add the butter and strawberry to the bowl and blend well until it shapes a thick paste.
  • Continue to apply the paste equitably all over your face.
  • When you have given it a chance to set, take a soggy warm washcloth and tenderly wipe your face.
  • Utilize some moisturizer and toner to keep your skin delicate.

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