Coconut oil is loaded with great properties that can nourish your skin, to body, and hair. It is best used for pre-shower conditioning treatment of hair.


Coconut oil has in excess of 20 antibacterial segments. At the point when utilized on hair, it will keep your scalp free of microorganisms that could bring about any issues. It is likewise an incredible guard against dandruff, seborrhea, and pruritus.


Due to its rich consistency, it is an awesome skin and hair cream, loaded with supplements and proteins. It’s likewise rich in lauric corrosive, functions admirably with hair protein, and can infiltrate the hair shaft and help stop or anticipate hair dryness or harm.


This stuff does some incredible things for uncontrollable hair. On the off chance that you have long or wavy hair, or if your child awakens with tremendous rodents’ homes and loathes having her hair brushed, here’s the arrangement.

Diminishes Protein Loss

What’s more, it is protein misfortune that prompts dryness and breakage.

Pre-Shower Conditioning Treatment

Coconut oil is hydrophobic. It repulses water. That is the reason when you apply the oil before showering, it keeps the water from entering the strands of your hair, which keeps it sound and saturated. That is the reason for applying it before washing up is a successful technique for keeping your hair sound.

Here are the means by which to do it:

  • Massage the oil all over your scalp.
  • Apply it to the remainder of your hair, working your way down to the closures. Try not to be timid. Use as much as you need, yet on the off chance that your hair is flimsy, sleek, or fine, you might need to utilize only a bit.
  • Leave it on for in any event 60 minutes. You may cover your head with a shower top to make the treatment increasingly compelling. You can likewise leave it all in all night (ensure you utilize the shower top or a towel to cover your hair or the oil will finish up all over your cushion). The more you leave the oil on, the better.
  • Go scrub down.
  • You may need to cleanse your hair twice to evacuate the oil. Try not to cleanser more than twice or the oil treatment will have not have a similar impact.
  • Rehash more than once per week.


  1. Any brand coconut oil is good or only virgin coconut oil should be used kindly let us know

  2. munazza jawaid

    It is best to use virgin coconut oil like CBC brand. Brand like vatika for coconut oil is also good!

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