The blend of sugar and tomato make an amazingly successful facial scrub for exfoliating the face.

Sugar goes about as the primary scrub part, evacuating the dead skin cells and recovering crisp new ones.

Tomatoes are amazingly wealthy in the intense cell reinforcement Lycopene which is generally found in tomatoes or tomato-based items, for example, tomato ketchup and tomato puree.

The tomato has small particles, and when connected to the face, the particles are effectively retained through the skin. At the point when joined with the sugar, the tomato mash is squashed, more Lycopene is discharged, and the new skin will ingest antioxidants faster, wiping out free radicals that damage the skin.

This facial scrub will likewise help lessen fine differences and wrinkles around the temple, eyes, and mouth which begin showing up in our 30’s or prior sometimes.


Wash the skin beforehand and expel all cosmetics. Fly on a headband to keep the face clear of hair.


  • 1 medium or enormous tomato (green stalk unblemished)
  • 1-3 tbsp sugar (granulated)


  • Hose the skin.
  • Cut the highest point of the tomato off. You will require the top as this will be the scrubber cushion so don’t cut the top too meagerly.
  • Put the sugar as an afterthought plate and spread it a little with the back of the spoon.
  • Get your tomato top and plunge it in the sugar, wind it around in the sugar to get notwithstanding covering.
  • Begin the temple and delicately scrub in a little roundabout movement. Descend to around the external eye region (staying away from eyelids and under the eye zone) and move over the face, nose, mouth, jawline, and neck. A facial brush might be utilized to go over the face as an additional advantage.
  • Unwind for 10 minutes and eat the other piece of the tomato.
  • Flush off with lukewarm water.
  • Pat the skin dry and apply your cream.

By joining this facial scrub into your week by week healthy skin, you won’t just begin to feel the advantages to your skin, yet you will see the outcomes as well! Tomato and some sugar. It couldn’t be simpler, out it an attempt!

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