What is dry scalp?

In straightforward words, it is a condition when the scalp skin turns out to be amazingly dry and flaky, in some cases joined by irritation. The issue can turn out to be progressively genuine when it isn’t appropriately thought about. Whenever left untreated, it might result in skin inflammation, otherwise called seborrheic dermatitis. Appropriate home consideration can offer help and counteract repeat of dry scalp.

Delicate, Moisturizing Olive Oil Massage

Dry scalp should be saturated profoundly to evacuate the dryness. The least difficult thing you can do is an olive oil rub. Here is a finished oil rub for a dry and flaky scalp.


  • A little tub of boiling water,
  • a bowl,
  • a lemon,
  • two tablespoons of olive oil
  • shower towel which is huge enough to fold over your head.


  • The initial step is to press the lemon into the bowl.
  • Next, blend it with the olive oil and warm it by putting the little bowl into the tub of high temp water for a couple of minutes till it gets warm.
  • Presently apply the blend on your scalp and delicately knead with your fingertips. Take care when you back rub rankled territories on your scalp as it might hurt. Maintain a strategic distance from the rankled territories and back rub for five minutes.
  • Next, clean up towel, dunk it in the high temp water, and press it out. Wrap the towel on your head and leave it for 10 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with mellow cleanser (go for a natural cleanser, if conceivable).
  • Do this once every week. Your scalp will feel incredible and your hair will, as well.

Coconut Oil, Aloe Vera, and Almond Oil for Dry Scalp


  • One teaspoon almond oil,
  • TWO teaspoon virgin coconut oil, and
  • one teaspoon crisp aloe vera.


Blend them and after that rub them delicately into your hair and scalp for 15 minutes before scrubbing down and washing it off with a gentle cleanser. You can do this a few times each week.

Note: Aloe vera does something amazing for your scalp. In the event that you have an aloe vera plant, you can take one leaf, cut the tip, and apply the gel-like stuff from the stem to your scalp.