Hyper-pigmentation is a typical skin condition that happens because of abundance melanin generation in the body. This overabundance creation can be activated by delayed sun presentation, aggravation, skin inflammation, or even hormonal unevenness. For those of you that experience the ill effects of hyper-pigmentation, you will realize that it is so hard to locate a successful treatment and recover a characteristic, even skin tone once more. Fortunately, there is a totally normal fixing that may demonstrate to be incredibly helpful.

Turmeric Mask For Hyper-pigmentation

This mask might be utilized on any influenced regions of your skin, not simply your face.


  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder
  • 2-3 tablespoons gram flour (otherwise called chickpea flour or besan)
  • 1/2 teaspoon oil, I would utilize almond oil, as it ingests well into the skin
  • Roughly 1/2 tsp milk, enough to shape a paste
  • Lemon Juice, or cucumber juice if you have delicate skin

Directions / Procedure

  • Blend the gram flour and turmeric together in a bowl until uniformly joined.
  • Include the lemon (or cucumber squeeze) and oil to the blend. The oil is significant for guaranteeing that your skin remains saturated while the mask is drying out.
  • Add enough milk to shape a rich consistency.
  • Blend well until a smooth paste is shaped and guarantee that it isn’t excessively watery, else the blend will keep running from your face. You can add more gram flour to the blend in the event that you feel the blend is excessively thin. The blend should resemble the image beneath.
  • Apply the blend all over (or other influenced territory) and leave it on for around 10 minutes, or until the mask totally dries all over. You will feel the mask solidifying all over—this is totally ordinary and normal.
  • Utilize warm water and delicate round developments with your fingertips to expel the mask from your face. Wash the face well and guarantee that that most of the mask has been evacuated.


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