Clean and Clear Skin with Honey and Lemon Scrub

One thing we don’t realize about our skin is that it too needs to breathe just like us. We tend to wear foundation to cover up all the impurities but what that does is that it blocks our skin from breathing. This leads to excess production of oil. /then when we take our makeup off it’s never well enough that our skin is properly cleansed. Which again leads to oil production which eventually leads to pimples and other skin problems. To combat all of this we suggest exfoliation. Exfoliating your skin will help you remove all dead skin cells, all trapped makeup particles and will leave your skin clean and clear. For clean and clear skin you need to use this facial scrub.

The key ingredients within this scrub are lemon and honey. Both of which help to tone your complexion, and reduce bacteria that cause pimples also they reduce oil production. The best part about this mask is that it is made from all natural and organic ingredients. This means they will in no way harm your skin or cause any damage to it. It will, however, help you get clean and clear skin in no time.

To make this mask you will need:

  • lemon juice
  • honey
  • brown sugar
  • yogurt

This scrub is made from all natural ingredients that are simple to use and easy to find. They can be found in all of our pantries and kitchens. If not then they can be found at any local store. The brown sugar acts as an exfoliating agent in this mask. Removes all dead skin cells and dirt from your face leaving you with clean and clear skin. The yogurt also exfoliates with its lactic acid removing dead skin, while also deeply moisturizing your skin, The honey kills all bacteria and nourishes your skin. While the lemon juice then tones your complexions and lightens it.

Making and Applying the Mask

To make the mask, add these ingredients into a bowl. Then mix them together properly to create a paste-like consistency. Then apply this onto your skin. Let it dry and then rub it in a circular motion on your skin to increase blood flow and exfoliate your skin. Later wash it off with cool water and you will have clean and clear skin.

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