Glowing and Bright Skin with Aloe Vera Mask

As the heat increases in the summer months your skin becomes oilier and greasier. This results in clogging of the pores and dirt on your skin. It also results in acne and pimples as clogged pores and sebum give way to pimples. However to reduce this you can apply various natural and organic remedies. One the finest ingredients that helps get rid of all these skin problems is aloe vera. Aloe vera is known for itʼs cooling properties and can give your skin the healing it needs. This will lead to glowing and bright skin in no time. The best part about this is that it is made from all natural ingredients. It does not contain any chemicals or toxins that can harm your skin in anyway.

To make the mask youʼll need:

  • Aloe Vera
  • Yogurt
  • Turmeric
  • Honey

The aloe vera is known to cool your skin down. It contains anti inflammatory properties that calms your skin and your pimples. It reduces their appearance and it reduces the redness. Aloe vera also reduces excess sebum production. Leading to less oily skin. Then the yogurt contains lactic acid and cleanses your skin thoroughly. The turmeric then acts as an anti bacterial killing all bacteria present upon your skin. The honey also acts as an antibacterial and also as a moisturiser that will hydrate and moisturise your skin. This will give you glowing and bright skin in no time.

To make the mask:

When making the mask, add the ingredients into a bowl. Mix them up together. Then apply it onto your cleansed skin for 15-20 minutes. Wash it off with with cool water and youʼll have glowing and bright skin.

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