Glowing and Clear Skin with Banana Face Mask

As the summer months come closer and closer, our skin becomes oiler and more irritated all at once. This is because of the heat, humidity and the environmental conditions in the weather. As the humidity increases so does the stickiness in the air. This causes dirt and either particle to stick to our skins. As our faces are the most exposed part of our body, they get dirtiest the fastest. This is why in this article we have come up with a mask that will deep cleanse your skin and will also give you glowing and clear skin in no time.  With ingreints like honey, turmeric and banana involved in the mask it cleans your face though;y and gives you glowing and clear skin. The best part about this is that it is made from all natural and organic ingredients that will in no way harm your skin. It will protect it from all toxins and chemicals that store bought products contain.

To make the mask you’ll need:

  • Banana
  • Turmeric
  • Honey
  • Yogurt

The banana contains many vitamins and mineral which are absorbed by our skin through it’s application. It contains tiny seeds which acts as an exfoliator and deep cleanse your skin throuoghy. They remove all dead cells and skin giving you glowing and clear skin. The banana also acts as a moisturizing factor ad hydrates your skin. The turmeric helps clear your skin from acne. It is an anti bacterial and anti inflammatory. It reduces the appearance and occurance of pimples. The honey, like the turmeric acts as an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agent removing all signs of a pimple for good. They also help cure hyperpigmentation and dark spots. The yogurt is full of lactic acid which helps cleanse the face properly and also moisturizes your skin heavily.

Making the mask:

To make the mask you’ll need to mash a banana into a bowl until smooth. Then add the other ingreints Mix them all well, this will give you a pate-like consistency. You need to apply this onto your face and leave it on for 25 minutes. Then rinse it off and youll have glowing and clear skin.

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