Glowing and Refreshed Skin with Turmeric and Lemon Mask

Some times we tend to raid the kitchen or the pantry looking for things to put on our face in the middle of the night when we feel overly conscious about your skin. We look through the wet ingredients and the dry ingredients and make up a mask that ultimately clogs up all our pores and we have even worse skin. So this is why I decided to bright about a maks in the article that is made from simple ingredients in your pantry yet it will give you highly effective results and lead to glowing and refreshed skin in no time. Isn’t that all we ever dream about?

The key ingredients in this mask hold a few vital functions. They will lighten and brighten your skin, they will help destroy bacteria whihc cause pimples and most of all they will give you glowing and refreshed skin. These ingreidnts are turmeric and lemon. The best part, however, about this, maks is that it is made from all natural and organic ingredients. Thes ingredients contain no toxins or chemicals that can in any way harm your skin or damage it. Rather they will give you glowinga nd refreshed skin

To make the maks you will need:

  • Turmeric
  • Lemon
  • Olive Oil
  • Yogurt

There are several benefits of this mask. All the ingredients play a cohesive role in bringing out the glowing skin from underneath. Turmeric is well known in desi culture for its healing properties. It does exactly that and helps remove dead skins from the top layer of your exposed skin. Lemon is the best natural exfoliant and plays a huge role is lightening your skin. If you have dark spots, lemon is going to be your best friend. Olive oil nourishes and repairs your skin bringing back the moisture and making it plump and lively. Yogurt, working with the lemon is going to further exfoliate your skin because it contains lactic acid and will help replenish it. It also cools your skin down.

Making/Applying the mask:

  • One teaspoon of turmeric
  • Add one table spoon of olive oil
  • Add one tea spoon of yogurt
  • And lastly cut a lemon in half and squeeze half a lemon into the mixture

Once all ingredients all added, mix the mixture well and apply it on your face using either your hands or a brush. Leave it on for 20 minutes. However, test a patch on your hand first to check for any allergies and if your skin is hyper sensitive be careful of turmeric staining your skin! After 20 minutes wash your face with cold water to close your pores and watch your skin glow!

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