This characteristic homemade mosquito repellent works for mosquitos, flies and another irritating warm season creepy crawlies. Apply your DIY mosquito repellent with certainty.

Lemon Eucalyptus Oil as a Natural Homemade Insect Repellent

The primary fixing in our homemade mosquito repellent is lemon eucalyptus oil. Lemon eucalyptus oil has been observed to be the best common DIY mosquito repellent. This oil has repellent powers that are a gift by nature. Mosquito do not like the smell of this oil and hence run away from it, wherever they are used. That is why, we have used it as a main ingredient in the mosquito spray.

Homemade Mosquito Repellent


  • 2 tablespoons of one or a mix of the accompanying: witch hazel or vodka
  • 2 tablespoons of one or a mix of the accompanying: grapeseed oil, jojoba oil, almond oil, olive oil, or neem oil (which contains characteristic insect killing blends)
  • ½ teaspoon vodka as an additive (if not previously using)
  • 100-110 drops basic oils


  • Add transporter fluids to a little spray bottle (3 or 4 oz. functions admirably so there is space for shaking).
  • Include fundamental oils and shake a long time before each use.
  • Use Common bug repellent like clockwork for most best performance.

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