The issue with ticks? Breathe a sigh of relief with this common, DIY homemade tick repellent spray! This is a straightforward formula with characteristic fixings that really works!



  • 30 drops geranium fundamental oil
  • 30 drops Virginia cedarwood fundamental oil
  • 10 drops garlic fundamental oil
  • 1-ounce grain liquor
  • 3 ounces of refined water
  • 1 dull-hued 4-ounce splash bottle


  • Fill a dim shaded shower bottle with 1 ounce of grain liquor.
  • Cautiously measure in 30 drops of geranium basic oil, 30 drops of cedarwood (Virginian) basic oil, and 10 drops of garlic basic oil.
  • Screw on the top and shake or blend well.
  • Load up with residual 3 ounces of refined water.
  • Shake to blend well (shake before each utilization).
  • Splash on attire and shoes.
  • Store in a cool, dull region far from light.


This formula is planned for attire. A portion of the basic oils in this mix can chafe the skin, yet they will work extraordinary on climbing boots, jeans, and shirts. Additionally, you’ll need to utilize this DIY tick repellent with grown-ups and youngsters more seasoned than 2.

Significant Notes and Precautions

Garlic fundamental oil can irritate the skin so use it at extremely low weakening and not with kids under 2. It likewise represses blood coagulating, so it ought not be utilized with individuals who are taking blood thinners.

While basic oils are brilliant, you should weaken them in a transporter oil in the event that you need to utilize them on your skin or in a splash. Whenever you put basic oils into water you can ensure they will isolate. In any case, in the event that you blend fundamental oils with a touch of high proof liquor they will scatter all the more effectively.

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