Lemon juice is a well known treatment for skin break out, flaws, and oily skin. You can blend crisp lemon juice with water to make a toner that will fix huge pores and decrease the measure of sebum delivered by your face. The citrus organic product additionally fills in as an antibacterial and cancer prevention agent, implying that it shields the skin from free extreme harm, fixes cells, and accelerates new skin age. So, lemon does some amazing things, bringing about wonderful, gleaming skin. lemon face mask helps to lighten up the skin.

Homemade Anti-Wrinkle Lemon Face Mask with Green Tea

Need to keep wrinkles off narrows? Attempt this invigorating lemon face mask weakened with green tea and a spot of turmeric. This blend helps skin pigmentation too.


  • 2 tablespoons green tea
  • A spot of turmeric powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice


  • Add every one of the fixings to a little bowl and blend well.
  • Apply the lemon face mask to your face with a cotton ball. Give it a chance to dry for three minutes.
  • At the point when the mask is dry, utilize another cotton ball to pat on another layer of the blend and let dry for three minutes. Rehash the system until the majority of the face mask blend is finished. Give the last layer of the face a chance to mask settle for 10 minutes.
  • At the point when the time is up, wash the mask off with cool water. Pat your face dry with a towel.

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