Mayonnaise Home Remedies To Kill Head Lice

In the event that you are thinking about how to utilize mayonnaise to treat head lice, there is one essential perspective to recollect that– you can’t utilize mayonnaise alone for the treatment. It may not be as compelling as utilizing it with another fixing.

1. Mayonnaise with coconut oil

What You Need

  • A little measure of mayonnaise (relies upon the length of your hair)
  • A couple of drops of coconut oil
  • A shower top


  • Mix the mayo and coconut oil in a bowl.
  • Blend well, and apply the blend to your hair. Make sure you apply it directly from the scalp to the end of your hair.
  • Spread your hair with a shower top and go to bed.
  • The following morning, dry your hair utilizing a blow-dryer.
  • Apply shampoo to your hair and abandon it for 30 minutes.
  • Search over your hair to evacuate the dead lice.
  • Wash your hair regularly.
  • Repeat thrice seven days.

2. Mayonnaise with vinegar and tea tree oil

What You Need

  • A little measure of mayonnaise
  • 10 drops of tea tree oil
  • A dash of vinegar


  • Blend the mayonnaise and tea tree oil in a bowl.
  • To this, include the vinegar.
  • Blend well and apply the blend to the hair, from the scalp to the closures.
  • Abandon it for around 2 hours.
  • Shampoo your hair completely.
  • While your hair is as yet wet, brush out the dead lice from your hair.
  • Rehash two times per week.

Tips And Precautions

  • You must utilize an extremely tight-fitting shower top. Never utilize a cling wrap or a plastic sack.
  • Not every person can stand the smell of mayonnaise. In the event that you need to attempt mayo, first ensure everybody at your home would approve of the smell. If not, you most likely should attempt the cure for head lice somewhere else.
  • Attempt your best to expel each nit. Try not to depend on the mayonnaise treatment alone. The main solution for lice is the 100{8f3256c33350408321b86c607fc1143dc560d77fab123e6246614bb28be9fa50} evacuation of a considerable number of eggs.

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