Soft and Plump Lips with Peppermint Lip Scrub

Lips are one of our most prominent and important feature on our face. They frame our face and can make or break a person’s look. When our lips are dark, dry and flaky they give off a bad impression. None of us want that. We all want soft and plump lips. Lips that are as soft as baby skin. To get those all you need to do is follow this beauty recipe.

This Article will feature a recipe that will give your soft and plump lips while exfoliating all the dead and dry skin off your lips. It will also improve the coloration of your lips and will give them a healthy look. The best part is that it is made from all natural and organic ingredients that will in no way harm your lips or the skin around them. As they contain no toxins or chemicals they will only benefit your skin.

To make this scrub you will need:

  • sugar
  • jojoba oil
  • honey
  • peppermint extract

The sugar in this scrub acts as the exfoliator. It removes the dead skin and the dry skin off of your lips. It also helps in bringing blood circulation to your lips and makes them red and plump. The jojoba oil acts as the moisturizer. It locks in moisture into the lips helping them become soft and hydrated. This is why your lips will get baby soft. The honey acts as an antibacterial killing all bacteria and cleansing your slips thoroughly. While the peppermint extract helps plump up your lips making them fuller. All of this will result in soft and plump lips.

Making the scrub

To make the scrub all you need to do is combine the ingredients into a container and store them tightly. Apply a little bit of the mixture onto your lips and rub it in a circular motion. This will help bring blood flow and remove the dead skin. Then after 5 minutes of rubbing, was off the scrub. This is a quick way of getting soft and plump lips.

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