Shiny and Strong Hair with Banana and Coconut Oil Mask

With the environmental conditions that are present today our hair is no more than a haystack. It’s brittle, lifeless and dull. It contains no volume and lies limp. Well not anymore. We have come up with the perfect recipe that will help give your volume and shine to your hair It will be shiny and strong in no time. When we think of coconut oil or egg or banana, we never assume hair mask, However, these are the key ingredients in today’s mask. They contain a nutritional value for the hair that will nourish, condition and moisturize it to make it shiny and strong hair. Hence why these ingreints will be the heature of today’s article. Also the ebst part about this hair mask is that it is made from all natural and orgaic ingreinients that contain no toxins or chemicals that can in any way harm your skin or scalp.

To make the mask you’ll need:

  • Egg
  • Banana
  • Yogurt
  • Lemon
  • Coconut oil

The egg conatins propteins which helps strengthens our ahir and gives it the elasticity it needs t grow. It also nourishes our hair with the yolk as it contains various vitamins and minerals for ur hair. The n=banana moisturizes and deep constitiones our hair. It make it smooth and silky, While it also cleanses the scalp thoroughly removing any dandruff or such particles. The yogurt conatins lactic acid whch is good for your hair and your scalp.

It cleanses it thoroughly and also helps in moisturizing your hair, The lemon acts as a cleansing agent too as it contains anti bacterial properties remiving all dity and bacteria from your scalp. While the hoey like the lemon removes bacteria, cleanses your scalp and moisturizes your hair. The coconut oil alos moisturizes and hydrates your hair but it also strengthens it. It acts as a catalyst for growth giving the hair the boost it needs.

Making the mask:

To make the mask blend all the ingredients together into a mixer and put them into a  bowl. Then apply them onto your hair from root to tip after doing so you’ll leave it for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with cool water. You will get shiny and string hair in no time.

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