Strong and Silky Hair with Banana and Egg Hair Mask

Strong and silky hair is desired by all women of all ages. But it seems that achieveing this goal becomes difficult along the way. Due to consumption choices and environmental conditions, our hair becomes weak, brittle and limp. It loses its shine and strenght and leaves us with hair that looks like a broom. We today have the perfect fix for you. We will give you a hair mask, that is garunteed to give you strong and silky hair in no time. The best part about this mask is that it made from ingredients that contain no toxins or chemicals that can in anyway harm your scalp or hair. It is made from all natural and organic ingredients, that will only provide benefits.

To make the mask, you will need:

  • Egg
  • Yogurt
  • Lemon
  • Banana

This mask is made from the simplest ingredients that can be found in anyone’s pantry. These inexpensive yet highly useful and beneficial ingredients will give you strong and silky hair in no time The egg in this mask, provides protein to the hair which helps repair damage like split ends and brittle hair. The egg also provides the hair with nourishment like different vitamins and mineral that make it strong internally.

The yogurt contains lactic acid which cleanses your hair thoroughly especially your scalp. It will give you cleaner and bacteria free hair. The lemon wipes away all the bacteria on your hair or your scalp. Fungi like dandfruff are also combated by lemon. It also gives freshness to your hair. The banana seeds remove all the dirt and dead skin from the scalp by gently exfoliating it. The banana also moisturizes and thoroughly hydrates your hair making it soft and silky.

Making the mask:


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