Natural Alternative Ways to Remove Your Makeup.

Skincare can become very difficult at times. especially for women who work. We put on makeup and spend the whole day in it. However, when we come home at night our skin needs to breathe. But sometimes removing makeup can be such a challenge. It can become a burden and women sometimes go to sleep in their make up. That is the worst thing we can do. Our pores need to breathe and make up covers them up and blocks them. However, not all makeup removers are the best for our skin too. This is why we have decided to feature some natural alternative ways to remove your makeup. Unlike the store bought version they contain all natural and organic ingredients that will in no way harm your skin.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of nature’s treasures. It has so many verstile uses. From cooking to skin care. Coconut oil is great for your skin and unlike the myth about it it doesn’t block your pores. It cleanses makeup off immediately and gives fresh and bright skin. It is a great natural alternative way to remove your makeup. All you need to do is take a cotton pad and dd some slightly warmed olive oil. Then wipe off your make and wash your face like you normally would.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is also a great alternative to store-bought makeup remover. It is an oil that is available in our pantry at all times. All you need to do is use a cotton pad and dip it into olive oil to remove your make up. Olive oil contains tons of nourishment for your skin and moisturizes it while gently cleansing it. It is a great natural alternative way to remove your makeup.

Aloe Vera Gel

Aloe Vera gel is known for its soothing properties and it’s benefits to our skin. It can calm your skin and helps relieve irritated skin. It is also a great natural alternative way to remove your makeup. All you need to do is use some aloe gel on a cotton pad and remove your make up. It will calm your skin, and it will remove the makeup leaving you with fresh and clean skin.

Cucumber Juice

Cucumbers are known for their freshness and their hydrating properties for our skin. using cucumber juice as a natural alternative way to remove your makeup will ensure in having fresh skin and hydrated skin too. All you need to do is juice cucumber and apply that onto a cotton pad and remove your make up. It will leave u with fresh and soft skin.

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