Humna Adnan

Bright and Glowing Skin with Aloe Gel and Brown Sugar Scrub

With the envinornament ebing at it’s worst and with pollution everywhere we go, our skin is ialways dirty n some way or another. Our pores get blocked from all this dirt and it leads to cne and pimples which is something none of us want. Also as summer appreaches sebum production increases and sweating increases …

Bright and Glowing Skin with Aloe Gel and Brown Sugar Scrub Read More »

Clean and Clear Skin with Ice and it’s Different Uses

Sometimes all our skin needs are something organic and natural. With no additives, no coloring, and GMOs. Something that is the purest thing. Well, do you wonder what it is? It’s ice. Yes, sometimes our skin’s best friend is ice. It’s the only thing that can help our skin become clear and clean. For clean …

Clean and Clear Skin with Ice and it’s Different Uses Read More »

Strong and Silky Hair with Banana and Egg Hair Mask

Strong and silky hair is desired by all women of all ages. But it seems that achieveing this goal becomes difficult along the way. Due to consumption choices and environmental conditions, our hair becomes weak, brittle and limp. It loses its shine and strenght and leaves us with hair that looks like a broom. We …

Strong and Silky Hair with Banana and Egg Hair Mask Read More »